Related Organizations of Interest
Resources | Related Organizations
Periodically we will bring to your attention other organizations or activities that we feel might be of interest due to their similarity of spirit or content.
The goal of the Rime Shedra is to make accessible the vast treasures of Buddhist wisdom to those who wish to progress further in their understanding of the profound principles presented in these advanced Buddhist texts. The understanding of the ultimate nature of reality is the key to liberation. For practitioners, this program provides an opportunity to develop a more sophisticated understanding of the nature of reality. For scholars, it provides an opportunity to expand their understanding of Buddhism by cultivating an experiential understanding. The program is based upon the traditional Shedra, or monastic college, curriculum which is the cornerstone of Buddhist education in all of the schools of Tibetan Buddhism.
Chogyam Trungpa: A Reader’s Guide. Shambhala Publications has made available an easy guide to his vast literary output divided into categories and including a description of each book. Click here to see the Reader’s Guide.
The Garrison Institute’s mission is to apply the transformative power of contemplation to today’s pressing social and environmental concerns, helping build a more compassionate, resilient future. Working collaboratively with practitioners in diverse fields, the Institute develops and hosts retreats and symposia, produces research and publications, and provides a hub for ongoing learning networks.
The very heart of the mission at The Aligned Center is a commitment to Aligned Living—an invitation to thrive in all dimensions of our lives.
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
The following organizations share Westchester Meditation Center’s mission to preserve and share the unique dharma teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
The Chögyam Trungpa Digital Library
The mission of the Chogyam Trungpa Digital Library is to make the recorded legacy of Chogyam Trungpa available to the world for research, study, and reflection. There you can access a growing media collection of public talks and teachings with searchable transcripts and captions. The Digital Library is an initiatve of the Chögyam Trungpa Institute at Naropa University.
The Profound Treasury Dharma Foundation is an independent non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve and propagate the living tradition of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s dharma teachings—the teachings of the Kagyu and Nyingma lineages, and the teachings of the Rime tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.
There are two week-long retreats offered each year. More information can be found at this link. The Foundation also supports various seminars, study groups, and online practice sessions.
The Nalanda Translation Committee and Newsletter
Founded in 1975 by Chögyam Trungpa, the Nalanda Translation Committee enables Buddhadharma study and practice by creating fresh and authentic translations of Tibetan texts and commentaries in English, supporting their translation into other Western languages, and assisting with their transmission through teaching activities and the creation of supporting materials.
NTC publishes an annual newsletter (hard copy only) including selections from the texts they are working on translating. You can sign up for this newsletter and in doing so learn more about our teacher and his activities, especially his literary output.
The Wisdom Seat is a group of Buddhist teachers and practitioners residing in the Mid-Atlantic region who host spiritual teachers, sponsor meditation retreats and offer support to those on the Buddhist path. Drawing on the profound view of the Kagyu-Nyingma and Rimé traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, The Wisdom Seat seeks to bring these spiritual traditions into our modern-day life – cultivating healthy relationships between teachers and students and reliably transmitting the Buddhist teachings to others.
The Chronicles of Chögyam Trungpa
A repository of teachings, articles, interviews, news and podcasts pertaining to the life and teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Chronicles is also on ongoing oral history project, recording and preserving the recollection of people who have been influenced by his work.
Ocean: The Vast Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa
Ocean's mission is to further the study and practice of Chögyam Trungpa’s teachings and to nurture community amongst old and new students alike. Their broad online curriculum features both introductory classes and in-depth learning, drawing from all aspects of Chögyam Trungpa’s vast body of work.
Dharma Magazines
Lions Roar magazine Lion’s Roar is an independent non-profit foundation whose mission is to communicate Buddhist wisdom and practices in order to benefit people’s lives and our society, and to support the development of Buddhism in the modern world.
By remaining unaffiliated with any particular teacher, sect or lineage, Tricycle provides a unique and independent public forum for exploring Buddhism, establishing a dialogue between Buddhism and the broader culture, and introducing Buddhist thinking to Western disciplines. This approach has enabled Tricycle to successfully attract readers from all walks of life, many of whom desire to enrich their lives through a deeper knowledge of Buddhist traditions.
Buddhadharma is a journal for serious practitioners of all Buddhist schools. It’s where you can deepen your practice, expand your knowledge of Buddhism, learn from other traditions, and connect with fellow practitioners to address all the important issues facing Buddhism today.